Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Ident - E4

Launched in January 2001, E4 is the 'sister channel' to Channel 4, created to be a companion for the already popular TV channel. E stands for entertainment and E4 was devised to appeal to the 'lucrative 15-35 age group' that Channel 4 was otherwise forgetting with some older generation programs. It also allowed the Channel to feature some American import tv such as 'Gilmore Girls' and 'Desperate housewives'
The E4 Idents are always recognisable because every single one includes the colour purple. The E4 logo is also very prominent in each Ident, it starts off small, and then takes over the whole screen. Within each 10-14 second clip, a vast variety of random things happen in a random location. This reflects the kind of programs that E4 feature on the channel, and also the target audience. By using musical techno sounds within the ident combined with artsy and imaginative visuals, a teenage/young adult audience is captured. 
  The E4 logo also incorporates the famous '4' from Channel 4, allowing viewers to know that they are channels run by the same company, and with the reputation that Channel 4 has, viewers can see that E4 will also be new and innocative, creating programs for the majority and minority of viewers.

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